சிலருக்கு ஏதோ நாம் வேத மாணாக்களின் சபையை சார்ந்தவர்கள் என்கிற ஒரே பார்வையில் நம்மை எடைப்போட்டு வாய்க்கு வந்ததெல்லாம் எழுதுகிறார்கள்!! இதோ வேதமாணவர்கள் அல்லாதவர்களும் திரித்துவம் என்கிற சாத்தானின் உபதேசத்தை பகிரங்கமாக எழுதியிருக்கிறார்கள்!!
For nearly 2,000 years the church has taught the doctrine of the Trinity. Astoundingly, nowhere in the Bible can we find the word Trinity, and even the concept of three beings in one heavenly majesty is just as difficult to come by in the Scriptures.
Jay P. Green’s Classic Bible Dictionary says about the word trinity, "This is not itself a Biblical term, but was a term coined by Tertullian to refer to this whole concept under one word" (p. 483). The Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature says forthrightly, "Respecting the manner in which the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit make one G-d, the Scripture teaches nothing, since the subject is of such a nature as not to admit of its being explained to us" ("Trinity," p. 553).
The doctrine of the Trinity is often defined in the following terms: "The holy trinity is one supreme being existing in three persons, all equal in rank and in eternity and having the same substance, all united in one Godhead." When pressed to explain it from the Bible, clergymen usually respond with something like, "It is a great mystery and no one can really understand it." This leads us to ask, would Yahweh give man a key teaching that could not be understood? How could He teach us a concept that is absent in the Scriptures?
Regardless of these facts, the belief in a co-equal and co-eternal Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is so pervasive and ingrained that few any longer question its origins and legitimacy. It has even become a test belief to determine whether one is of the faith called Christianity.
An exhaustive review of Scripture and history reveals the simple fact that the Trinity teaching was unknown to the early New Testament assembly. That the doctrine of the Trinity is a "revealed doctrine" foreign to the Scriptures is supported by many authorities, including the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia. Under the article Trinity we read, "The term ‘Trinity’ is not a biblical term…In point of fact, the doctrine of the Trinity is a purely revealed doctrine…As the doctrine of the Trinity is indiscoverable by reason, so it is incapable of proof from reason" (vol. 5, p. 3012).
This authority is not alone in its insight. Another explains that the whole notion of a Trinity emerged from heated disagreement and dispute: "The doctrine developed gradually over several centuries and through many controversies… The council of Nicaea in 325 stated the crucial formula for that doctrine in its confession that the ‘Son is of the same substance…as the Father,’ even though it said very little about the Holy Spirit…By the end of the 4th century…the doctrine of the Trinity took substantially the form it has maintained ever since" (Encyclopaedia Britannica, Trinity).
Both secular historians and Bible scholars readily admit that the doctrine of the Trinity was not official church teaching until the council of Nicaea in the year 325 of our common era. The New Catholic Encyclopedia, 1967, Vol. 14, concedes, "The formulation ‘one God in three Persons’ was not solidly established, certainly not fully assimilated into Christian life and its profession of faith, prior to the end of the 4th century… Among the Apostolic Fathers, there had been nothing even remotely approaching such a mentality or perspective."
What an amazing statement! The early Apostolic Fathers had no concept of a triune relationship among the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It is also freely admitted that the doctrine was not established until 400 years after the Savior’s resurrection. This fact can only cause us to ask, if this were a key truth known by Yahshua the Messiah and the apostles, why is there no evidence of it in their teachings or writings? And if the doctrine of the Trinity is not of Biblical origin, where did it come from?
Read more and feel haapy that you are not a Trinitarian!!